//Classes(or Libraries)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
//Used to shorten console commands
using namespace std;
//Programmer defined encapsulation of data and functions
class Department
string DepartmentName, DepartmentHeadName, DepartmentID;
// Constructors
Department(string id, string name)
DepartmentID = id;
DepartmentName = name;
DepartmentHeadName = “”;
Department(string id, string name, string hn)
DepartmentID = id;
DepartmentName = name;
DepartmentHeadName = hn;
//Setter and getters(Accsesors)
string getDepId()
return DepartmentID;
string getDepartmentName()
return DepartmentName;
string getDepHeadName()
return DepartmentHeadName;
void setDepId(string DepId)
DepartmentID = DepId;
void setDepName(string DepName)
DepartmentName = DepName;
void setDepHead(string DepHead)
DepartmentHeadName = DepHead;
//Programmer defined encapsulation of data and functions
class Employee
string employeename, employeeID, employeeDepartmentID;
int employeeage;
// constructors
Employee() {}
Employee(string id, string name)
employeeID = id;
employeename = name;
Employee(string id, string name, int age)
employeeID = id;
employeename = name;
employeeage = age;
Employee(string id, string name, int age, double salary)
employeeID = id;
employeename = name;
employeeage = age;
employeesalary = salary;
Employee(string id, string name, int age, double salary, string departmentid)
employeeID = id;
employeename = name;
employeeage = age;
employeesalary = salary;
employeeDepartmentID = departmentid;
// Accessors
string getEmpID()
return employeeID;
string getEmpName()
return employeename;
string getEmpDepID()
return employeeDepartmentID;
int getEmpAge()
return employeeage;
double getEmpSal()
return employeesalary;
void setEmpID(string empId)
employeeID = empId;
void setEmpName(string empName)
employeename = empName;
void setEmpDepID(string empDepId)
employeeDepartmentID = empDepId;
void setEmpAge(int empAge)
employeeage = empAge;
void setEmpSalary(double empsal)
employeesalary = empsal;
//Function prototypes
void ShowMenu();
void choices();
int main()
return 0;
//Display Function
void ShowMenu()
cout << “nnn”;
cout << “1-Create Departmentn”;
cout << “2-Creat employeen”;
cout << “3-Write the data to the filen”;
cout << “4-Retrive the data from the filen”;
cout << “5-Display Reportn”;
cout << “6-Exitn n n”;
// Choice function
void choices()
// Creating array objects
Department dep[3];
Employee emp[7];
string depid, empid, empdepid, depname, dephead, empname, depnamefile, depdeadfile;
int empage;
double empsalary;
int choice;
ifstream file_in, file_in2;
ofstream file_out, file_out2;
char again; //Used to loop the entire program
int counter, empcounter, depcounter;
bool id3 = false;
int a; //used for getting age from file
double s; //used for getting salarry from file
string info; // getting lines from file
size_t pos; //position
double sal1, sal2, sal3; //Salaries for calculation
do {
cout << “Please enter a number from the menu:”;
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
cout << “Please enter Department ID:”;
cin >> depid;
//Loop to not get a duplicate
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
while (dep[i].getDepId() == depid)
cout << “The Department ID that you entered exist. Try again:”;
cin >> depid;
//Condition to make sure not over arrays
if (depcounter < 3)
cout << “Please enter the department name:”;
cin >> depname;
cout << “Please enter the department head:”;
cin >> dephead;
cout << “Array is full.n”;
case 2:
cout << “Please enter the employee ID:”;
cin >> empid;
//Loop to not get duplicate
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
while (emp[i].getEmpID() == empid)
cout << “The Employee ID that you entered exist. Try again:”;
cin >> empid;
//condition to not go over arrays sizes
if (empcounter < 7) {
cout << “Please enter the employee department ID:”;
cin >> empdepid;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
if (dep[i].getDepId() == empdepid)
id3 = true;
if (id3)
cout << “Please enter the employee Name:”;
cin >> empname;
cout << “Please enter the employee Age:”;
cin >> empage;
cout << “Please enter the employee salary:”;
cin >> empsalary;
cout << “Department not foundn”;
cout << “Array is full.n”;
case 3:
//condition to mmake sure objects are compelted, the write to file
if (depcounter == 3 && empcounter == 7)
for (int counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++)
file_out << “Department ID: ” << dep[counter].getDepId() << endl;
file_out << “Department Name: ” << dep[counter].getDepartmentName() << endl;
file_out << “Department Head Name: ” << dep[counter].getDepHeadName() << endl;
file_out << endl << endl;
for (int counter = 0; counter < 7; counter++)
file_out2 << “Employee ID: ” << emp[counter].getEmpID() << endl;
file_out2 << “Employee Name: ” << emp[counter].getEmpName() << endl;
file_out2 << “Employee Age: ” << emp[counter].getEmpAge() << endl;
file_out2 << “Employee Salary: ” << emp[counter].getEmpSal() << endl;
file_out2 << “Employee Department ID: ” << emp[counter].getEmpDepID() << endl;
file_out2 << endl << endl;
//Making sure user doesn’t close the program without saving data
cout << “File not saved. Do you want to save the file? (Y/N)n”;
cin >> again;
if (toupper(again) == ‘Y’)
cout << “Arrays not complete. Can’t write into files.n” << endl << endl;
case 4:
if (file_in)
int counter;
// getting department data from file
while (getline(file_in, info) && counter < 3)
pos = info.find(“: “);
dep[counter].setDepId(info.substr(pos + 2));
getline(file_in, info);
pos = info.find(“: “);
dep[counter].setDepName(info.substr(pos + 2));
getline(file_in, info);
pos = info.find(“: “);
dep[counter].setDepHead(info.substr(pos + 2));
getline(file_in, info);
getline(file_in, info);
else cout << “File Dep not found.” << endl;
if (file_in2)
int counter;
//getting employee data from file
while (getline(file_in2, info) && counter < 7)
pos = info.find(“: “);
emp[counter].setEmpID(info.substr(pos + 2));
getline(file_in2, info);
pos = info.find(“: “);
emp[counter].setEmpName(info.substr(pos + 2));
getline(file_in2, info);
pos = info.find(“: “);
istringstream flow(info.substr(pos + 2));
flow >> a;
getline(file_in2, info);
pos = info.find(“: “);
istringstream flow1(info.substr(pos + 2));
flow1 >> s;
getline(file_in2, info);
pos = info.find(“: “);
emp[counter].setEmpDepID(info.substr(pos + 2));
getline(file_in2, info);
getline(file_in2, info);
else cout << “File Emp not found.” << endl;
case 5:
//Linear search through arrays
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
if (emp[i].getEmpDepID() == dep[0].getDepId())
sal1 = sal1 + emp[i].getEmpSal();
if (emp[i].getEmpDepID() == dep[1].getDepId())
sal2 = sal2 + emp[i].getEmpSal();
if (emp[i].getEmpDepID() == dep[2].getDepId())
sal3 = sal3 + emp[i].getEmpSal();
//displaying report
cout << showpoint << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << “DepartmenttSalaryreportn”;
cout << dep[0].getDepartmentName() << “tt” << sal1 << “n”;
cout << dep[1].getDepartmentName() << “tt” << sal2 << “n”;
cout << dep[2].getDepartmentName() << “tt” << sal3 << “n”;
case 6:
cout << “Exiting the program. Thank you.” << endl;
cout << “Invalid selection. Please Try again” << endl;
} while (choice != 6);
The purpose of this project is to take your Midterm project and implement it using Random Access Binary Files.
As you recall, the Midterm project used text files to store the data. Here in the final exam project,
you will be storing the data in Random Access Binary File.
Also, in the Midterm project you used Arrays to temporarily hold the data in the memory until the user
decides to write the data to file. Here you will not be using Arrays and instead writing the
data directly to Random Access Binary File. Please read the chapter Advance File and I/O operations
before attempting this.
Here is the full description of the Final exam project.
Modify your Midterm Exam Project to:
1. Replace Employee and Department classes with Employee and Department Structures.
2. Inside each structure, replace all string variables with array of characters.
3. Make Employee and Department editable. That means, the user should be able to edit a given Employee and Department.
4. Do not allow the user to edit the Employee ID and Department ID.
5. Use Random Access Files to store the data in Binary Form. This means, you should not use an Arrays to
store the data in the memory. Instead, when the user wants to create a new Employee/Department,
you write it to the file right away. Also when the user says he/she wants to edit
an Employee/Department, ask the user to enter EmployeeID/DepartmentID.
Read the data from the file and display it to the user.
Allow the user to enter new data and write it back to the file in the same position inside the file.
Please read the chapter . Advance File/IO operations which has examples on how to do this.
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